Discovering Creativity By Doing Something (Anything)

Lexie Farmer
2 min readDec 2, 2020

Let me just admit right off the bat that I am a text book over thinker. I’ve been wanting for a long time to write, create videos, or start a podcast. I feel a bit stuck career-wise, which I know many may feel at time to time, but I envy those who are a bit rogue and self-made. They start their own business, or create a Gofund me to move to New York City and pursue their dreams, or they’re writing thought provoking blog posts, or they’re creating amazing graphic designs and stepping up some local business’ marketing game.

There are thinkers, and there are doers.

As clearly stated before, I fit more into the category of thinker than a doer. I feel as though I am a thinker with a lot of ideas that is waiting to do something. Waiting for what? I wish I knew. It wasn't until I spoke with a mentor about career advice that I was confronted head on with the reality that creating is available to all of us, and through what we create, more opportunities can present themselves.

The other side of the coin of this is: creating is uncomfortable. We are pretty much guaranteed to not be great at something the first time we try something new, let alone the first couple of times we try it. Putting yourself out there can make yourself vulnerable. It’s important to do it anyway. With time and practice, the creating will get easier, and people’s feedback won’t sting so much.

The creating will start to feel fun, like a snowball effect, it grows and grows, building in momentum. Then soon you too might be off to new city, or starting your own business, or leveling up at your own company. Even if it’s messy and imperfect at first, stop waiting. Just start doing something, anything.

